Not broken, just bent

Not broken, just bent

Despite my intentions, I have developed a sedentary lifestyle over the last few years. My mind was usually stimulated (or overstimulated), but my body barely moved throughout the day, which was the typical corporate lifestyle. 

The last three days have been opposites. I walk until my feet cry in pain, and usually more, but the mind is free. I don’t have upcoming deadlines. My only worry is reaching the day’s destination and finding a place to stay. Otherwise, my mind can wander off - to listen to the silence around me, birds chirping, and streams flowing beside me as I trudge along the path. Sometimes, I catch up to other pilgrims and strike up conversations. Occasionally, I have audiobooks to keep me company as I walk alone. 

According to my phone, I have walked 80 kilometres in the last three days and reached Pamplona. While I feel beat by the end of the day, I’m also consistently happy. I am learning to be comfortable in my own company, seeing the most beautiful landscapes and towns and experiencing moments of kindness. 

The sad part about being a solo traveller is the selfies.

While hunting for a dinner deal, I walked into a pizzeria offering slices of pizza for 3 euros. The person behind the counter enquired where I was from. I replied and asked him where he hailed from. He was from Pakistan and refused to accept my money for the meal despite my insistence.

Grateful for the kindness.

It’s hard to think that it’s only been three days. I have over a month to go on this trail and many more experiences. I am excited and grateful. 

Some of my favourite experiences so far:

  • Crossing the Pyrenees from France and walking into Spain.
The highest point of the climb to Roncasvalles.
  • Sharing a communal dinner, and stories, with other pilgrims
  • Waking into cities through bridges that are almost a thousand years old
Bridge into Pamplona, built somewhere around the 12th century.
  • Finally purchasing a towel after two days of living the towel-free life
Small pleasures.